Boss’s Trained Professionals Utilize Thermal Imaging to detect the source of leaks or damage due to weather like heavy rain or hail
An infrared thermal camera identifies heat patterns of an object’s surface. They do this by rendering heat (infrared radiation) as light. The camera’s display renders different heat patterns in different colors, allowing users to easily determine hot and cool spots on a wall, a condenser unit, or a duct, for example.
For years professional have relied on visual and manual inspections for virtually every type of inspection today, Infrared thermal imaging inspection technology is used in a diverse range of applications in many industries. There is an endless list of benefits of utilizing thermal imaging in preventative maintenance.
Excessive Moisture in Building Materials:
With the growing concern about mold damage and associated health problems, inspectors have become increasingly vigilant in checking for areas of moisture within the confines of the structure. Weather related damage and flooding, and subsequent mold growth, have also escalated the need for tools that can facilitate fast and accurate moisture inspection readings.
Infrared can identify water infiltration, such as roof leaks located with recent rain fall within 24~48 hours. Water leaks and moisture infiltration can cause serious damage, and can be difficult to detect until it’s already too late. Using a thermal imaging camera and under the right circumstances, it’s possible to find hidden water and moisture issues without resorting to destructive inspections.
Identify leaking duct work
Discover AC condensate leaks
Studs / Joists / Beams / Rafters
Special Inspections
Insurance Claims
While there is no guarantee that nothing will be missed during the visual inspection, thermal imaging brings us one step closer to what otherwise might be overlooked.
So ask yourself, do you want a roof inspector that offers thermal imaging or risk going with one that does not?